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Payment Failed - What Next?

Payment Failed - What Next?
Deepak Singla
Picture this: After spending countless hours deliberating, your customers finally decide on the products they wish to purchase, only to be hit with a payment failure. Now what? They’re left wondering whether the money will be deducted later, if they should try the payment again, or worse—they abandon the purchase altogether. Payment failures can create a frustrating experience for customers and a logistical challenge for fintech companies. But is there a way to turn these moments around? Enter AI agents, designed to handle these frustrating scenarios with precision, empathy, and speed.
Payment Failed - What Next?

The Financial Impact of Payment Failures

Payment failures aren’t just a minor inconvenience; they have significant financial repercussions for fintech companies and the global economy. A global study by LexisNexis® estimates that failed payments cost the economy $118.5 billion annually in fees, labor, and lost business. For fintech companies, the damage includes not only direct costs like repair efforts and resubmission but also more insidious losses such as customer churn and reputational damage.

According to the LexisNexis® True Cost of Failed Payments report, nearly 60% of organizations experience customer loss due to failed payments—a figure that climbs to 80% for companies processing more than 20,000 failed payments per day. This highlights the critical importance of addressing payment issues swiftly and empathetically to avoid reputational damage and customer churn.

Why How You Handle Payment Failures Matters

Properly handling payment failures is about more than just improving customer satisfaction; it can have a direct impact on revenue recovery. Businesses that implement strategic retry and smart dunning strategies can recoup a significant portion of lost revenue. In fact, research shows that up to 89% of failed payments can be recovered when smart communication and intelligent retries are employed.

This proactive approach can significantly increase the chances of successful payment recovery. For instance, retrying payments around typical paycheck periods can help recover more payments that would otherwise be lost due to temporary insufficient funds. Additionally, combining personalized messaging with intelligent retries has been shown to recover up to 32% of payments that fail on the first attempt, preventing customer loss and strengthening long-term relationships.

The Role of AI Agents in Payment Failure Situations

AI Agents, equipped with access to relevant payment data, can swiftly resolve payment issues by validating the payment status and keeping the user informed at every step. Let’s explore how these AI agents can enhance the overall user experience and improve operational efficiency for fintech companies:

Immediate Recognition and Validation of Payment Status

When a payment fails, AI agents can immediately access transaction data (such as order ID, payment method, and amount) to validate the payment status. This eliminates the need for customers to repeatedly provide information and offers instant feedback on whether funds were deducted, if the payment is still processing, or if it was declined.

Consider Klarna’s AI agent as a prime example. When a payment fails or gets stuck in processing, the AI agent instantly accesses the user’s transaction history in real-time, quickly determining whether funds were withdrawn. It then provides personalized guidance on the next steps, helping to ease user anxiety and restore confidence in the platform. Impressively, over 80% of payment failures are resolved autonomously by Klarna’s AI agent, significantly reducing the need for human intervention and delivering faster, more efficient resolutions

Empathetic Engagement During a Stressful Situation

Payment failures, especially for large transactions or urgent purchases like ticket cancellations, can cause significant stress. AI Agents are designed to interact with users empathetically, adapting their tone to the nature and size of the payment. For small purchases, the AI agent can calmly reassure the user and provide clear next steps. For larger, more urgent transactions, the tone might be more immediate, offering timelines and resolution options to alleviate stress.

✨ In fact with Fini you do this in customers' native languages to ensure excellent customer satisfaction. According to Common Sense Advisory, 76% of customers find comfort to operate products and services in their native language. Moreover, 40% of consumers feel urged to not engage with a web page/ agent in other languages, highlighting the importance of multilingual support.

Personalized Conversations with Context Awareness

One of the greatest strengths of AI agents is their ability to retain context throughout the conversation. When dealing with payment failures, AI Agents remember key details such as the payment method, transaction amount, and order ID, making conversations seamless and personalized. This attention to detail builds trust, as users feel like the agent understands their situation without needing to repeat themselves.

For instance, the agent might say, “I see your payment of $150 using your Visa card was unsuccessful. I’m looking into why this happened.” Such responses create a personalized experience that reassures the user.

💡In fact at Fini we have designed a product feature called Flows to drive highly contextual conversations while handling sensitive information. Our goal was 100% accuracy for the critical business processes like payment failures, leaving nothing to second chances. 
The high-stakes instances are routed through predefined process flows, managing necessary inputs from the system backends and end-user then routing them through set personalized channels, ensuring they are managed with the utmost care and precision. This enabled one of client DistroKid to handle sensitive topics such as payment withdrawal requests or time sensitive metadata edit requests with increased speed and accuracy
Proactive Updates and Problem-Solving

AI Agents can go beyond reactive responses—they can proactively provide updates after the conversation ends. If a payment failure requires manual intervention or is pending due to external factors (such as bank delays), AI agents can notify users once the issue is resolved, keeping them informed and reducing uncertainty.

Cost Efficiency for Fintech Companies

Handling payment failures with AI agents reduces the workload on human support teams. Rather than allocating staff to manually resolve issues, AI agents can autonomously address a high volume of requests. This frees up resources for more complex cases, enhancing operational efficiency.

Moreover, AI Agents’ ability to resolve payment failures quickly reduces churn rates and improves user retention, which is crucial in the highly competitive fintech market.


AI agents offer fintech companies an efficient and empathetic way to manage payment failures. They validate payment statuses in real-time, engage users empathetically based on the type of transaction, maintain conversational context, and proactively offer solutions. This not only enhances customer experience but also improves operational efficiency. Klarna’s AI Agent exemplifies how these systems can increase user trust and satisfaction by offering real-time insights and follow-ups. As AI technology continues to evolve, chatbots will become even more effective at managing complex financial transactions, offering seamless and satisfying resolutions to users.

Important Note: Security and Compliance

Handling financial data requires strict adherence to security and compliance standards. It is crucial to select your AI partner carefully. For more information on choosing the right AI partner, refer to our blog.

Integration Made Easy

Integrating an AI agent into your support ecosystem is straightforward. We wanted to list down step-by-step how easy it is to integrate an AI agent in your support ecosystem. We are explaining this for Zendesk but feel free to block a 30 mins demo with us to learn about your specific tools. Trust me this 30 min is nothing but an investment in saving countless hours later 🙂

Implementing AI in your payment handling flows not only streamlines operations but also meets the growing expectations of tech-savvy consumers for quick and efficient service. For more details on how AI can transform financial services, get in touch with us with the below mentioned options!!

Don't just believe our word, try it out yourself!
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